Your technical job is to costume the show and return the costumes where they came from.
1. Talk to me in September about what type of costumes are needed. You will need a list of the cast. Do not do this during class. We will need a lot of time. You can always e-mail me.
2. Measure the cast. Only you should do this. Get a measurement list from me. Learn the correct method of measuring. This is very important. If different people measure in different ways, we will have a lot of problems when the costumes arrive. By September 15 everyone should be measured.
3. Discuss with me where the costumes will come from. Some will be made, some will be bought, some will be rented and some will be borrowed. On Monday, September 25, give a list of the following to the Assistant Director and e-mail me a copy: names of character, who is playing the character, sizes of character, and where we are getting the costume.
4. By October 4 be sure to approve the final list with me. A copy of the order should me made and given to me.
5. On November 1, give a report to the Assistant Director and e-mail me a copy. By this date, you should know where each costume is coming from. The only costumes that you will not have by this time are costumes that we will rent. You should have all other costumes.
6. Very Important! It is your job to take care of costumes. If they are lost you are responsible for them! Be sure that costumes are locked up. It is up to you to make sure that costumes are locked up after each rehearsal. You are financially responsible for lost items. This job gets difficult during a show and after each performance. It is very important to keep track of all costumes. Everyone will have their own box to keep all the costumes together. Don't let anyone go home with pieces of his or her costumes. Keep me informed by e-mailing
7. After the show, it is up to you to send back all the rented costumes in their original plastic covering and boxers with the original paper slips identifying each costume. It is also up to you to return all borrowed costumes and thank the people that lent them to up by writing a letter. Give the Assistant Director a copy of all the letters you write to me.
In order to get a passing grade, all cast members should have a costume by dress rehearsal through your efforts and the costumes must be taken care of. In order to get a B, everyone must be assured that you have done your best to insure that the costumes are appropriate and that you have protected the costumes faithfully.

These costumes for The Crucible are by Michelle Radin of Anchorage, Alaska.
Michelle Radin in the costume she made
entirely of duct tape.
Michelle Radin (Doc's daughter)
She has designed many costumes for
the Drama Team.
Titania's costume is by Michelle Radin
This photo was published in Dramatics
and Engish Teacher magazines.
costumes by Michelle Radin
This costume was made with duct tape.
Emily tells Michelle how much she likes the dress that Michelle made.
Michelle made the green costume in this scene.