DR0529 HONORS THEATRE For those who just cannot get enough theatre!
This is a full year honors level course
Honors Theatre. The course covers similar subjects as the regular theatre course in greater depth and requires more written and practical work from the student. The student must maintain a grade of "B" and be capable of independent study in order to remain in Honors Theatre. A lower grade may result in the student being placed in the regular theatre course.
Those students who have earned at least a "90" in theatre arts in the previous academic year or show unusual and exceptional promise may take the Honors Theatre Arts course with permission of Dr. Radin.
Students will be required to do the following:
Class members will participate in a major play in November.
Every student will complete an honors level technical theatre position. The student will be expected to carry this out showing leadership, creativity, and resourcefulness. It will involve a written report as well as the project itself.
Students will attend classes involving exercises, discussion, lecture, homework and tests.
Students will be assigned two contrasting monologues and scene work.
5. Students will critique three plays during the last three marking periods. This will include, in part, material on the author and the theatrical period.
6. A paper on theatre history will be required. It is due by the end of the third marking period.
7. Each student will write an original play.
8. Students will appear in an additional one-act play.
9. A final exam will complete the year.
Plagiarism will result in failure.
Honors theatre students will be required to purchase these texts:
Audition by Michael Shurtleff
The Craftsmen of Dionysus by Jerome Rockwood
See the schedule page for more information about important dates.
For homework assignment, click here.
Grades are posted on line.
Tech jobs are listed here.