Emma Arabia 73 73 (honor Thespian)
Nick Burchard 21 40
Becky Durant 56 76 (now honor Thespian)
Emily Eastman 57 76 (now honor Thespian)
Lindsay Gray 18 31
Emma Gregory 69 80 ( honor Thespian)
Carlee Huttle 59 80 (how honor Thespian)
Cameron Lapine50 65 (new honor Thesian)
Brittany Lutz 15 26
Hannah Marko 3
Rowan Runser 3
Christa Sprague15 34
Monica Thomas28 41
Tay Santelli 15
Shane Volff 3
Thespian points of present theatre students
These are points earned as of the induction and awards dinners
10 Thespian points are required for membership
20 Thespian points are required for one star
30 Thespian points are required for two stars
40 Thespian points are required for three stars
50 Thespian points are required for four stars
60 Thespian points are required for honor bar
120 points are required for new National Thespian Society Award
Only active Thespians (those students in present plays) are eligible for awards.
A number of Thespian awards are based on Thespian point earned.
2012 dinner total number as of 2013 dinner